Do you know which Spanish cities export/import the most foreign traded goods? Find Your Spain has looked into which products are most in demand abroad, where these products are shipped to/from and with which countries does Spain have its closest economic ties. All measured in terms economic value, Euros. TheContinue Reading

Times are tough in many households with soaring prices on numerous necessities. However, the Spanish government has announced that from 1 January, 2023, the value added tax on several goods will be lowered. This will especially help those who already struggle financially following the supply shocks and subsequent price hikesContinue Reading

Hispano-Suiza may be a car brand you don’t immediately recognize, but in the 1920s and 1930s the Spanish-Swiss company was one of Europe’s leading car manufacturers. Several of its innovations were far ahead of their time. Hispano-Suiza’s vehicles were sought after and exported to markets as far away as Australia.Continue Reading

Did you know Spain is Europe’s second largest beer producer? Only Germany with about twice the population of Spain produces more beer. But, neither country is the largest exporter of domestically manufactured beer. That honor goes to The Netherlands. The largest companies fulfilling the beer demands in Spain are Heineken,Continue Reading

Europe is experiencing a gas crisis and although Spain barely extracts any fossil fuels and no longer makes use of its coal deposits, the country could play a pivotal role in resolving Europe’s energy crisis. And we are not talking about the abundance of sun or wind to solve thisContinue Reading

Most of us are familiar with some Spanish export products and at least a few brand names. In the world market, Spain is well known for its agricultural products, including wines, but there is much more to Spanish exports. Some of its highest-value sectors are transportation, utilities, banking, and fashion-wear.Continue Reading

As we write this post, the war in Ukraine enters its seventh week. The appalling human costs and level of destruction resulting from the conflict are becoming clearer day by day. Refugees are crossing into neighboring countries by the hundreds of thousands to be resettled in the western world. EverContinue Reading

Valued at over $670 million, Spanish growers export a staggering 287,000 tons of strawberries annually – making Spain the world’s largest strawberry exporter. As much as 90 percent of Spanish strawberries are grown in Andalusia, where new cultivation methods and world-leading agricultural expertise have contributed to creating what has becomeContinue Reading