The heatwaves in Spain have started earlier and lasted longer than usual this year. Dry conditions have led fires to break out across the country and about 70,000 hectares have already been scorched away, most of it in the last couple of weeks. If you want to know where theseContinue Reading

Nature lovers have a lot to enjoy in Spain. The Spanish mainland offers an enormous diversity: coastal areas rich in animal and plant life, large forests in the highlands in the north, desert-like stretches in the south and snow-capped mountain landscapes in several places. It is in the mountains, especiallyContinue Reading

Rivers have been crucial to us humans throughout history. They have made it possible to build civilizations, but have also been useful to those who want to tear them down. Rivers have given us opportunities to explore new and remote areas and to keep in touch with familiar ones. SpainContinue Reading

Forests may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the hot and sunny Spanish countryside. But Spain actually has Europe’s fourth largest forest area despite several hundred years of deforestation. The tree species we find in the different regions vary. Join us on an everContinue Reading